"Film music"

Film music is the term for any music used in and for cinema and TV movies, documentaries or video games.

We distinguish between the film score which is specifically composed for the individual film or game and the soundtrack which is a compilation of all songs played in it. Music for large scale productions is mostly designed by contemporary musical artists. Film music is so to speak a form of background music as it is played in the background and used to enhance emotions.

Film music can either have an important narrative or characterizing function (leitmotif) or enhance and underline moods and motions (e.g. Mickey Mousing in animated films). It can be paraphrasing (intensifying the mood), polarizing (influencing the audiences opinion in certain situations) or counterpointing (communicating a contradictory message to what is shown on screen).

Click on Royalty-free music to find a wide selection of professional music for your personal soundtrack. We also offer numerous sound effects and individual compositions on request.

Please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail or by telephone on 0049 (0) 331-9676730.

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