"GEMA license fees"

Whenever a piece of music is published on the radio, TV, podcast or in any other way in Germany, the GEMA charges various kinds of fees.

Using copyrighted material requires the user to pay a fee to the license holder. In Germany the GEMA collects these fees on behalf of the license holder. The collected fees are transferred to the license holder by means of a distribution key that is linked to the total amount of affiliated members. For each intended purpose that envolves rights managed music, the GEMA requires an individual registration. Each performance including music with GEMA licenses requires the completion of a GEMA registration plus a payment of the according fee. Payment of such fees is only avoidable by using GEMA-free, means Royalty-free music.

Our GEMA and Royalty-free music library offers Royalty-free music only. The use of this music does not require any payment of GEMA fees and on purchase of the music from our library we automatically transfer you the exclusive license rights.

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